Bible Coloring Pages Kiswahili

Bible Coloring Pages Kiswahili for Sunday School. Bible Stories in Kiswahili. Free, downloadable, Sunday School coloring pages! Download and print these Bible Story Coloring Pages for your ministry. If you like, download and print the entire Bible Story Coloring Book for distribution! 

Red Bush Roses

These 22 Bible Stories from the Life of Jesus are available for you to download and print for free to use in your ministry. Use them individually as a Bible Activity in your classroom, or all together as a coloring book to share with others!

Each coloring page comes with its own Bible Story, which is already prepared for you to present!

You may print the ENTIRE set of coloring pages, bind them, and use them as you see fit in your ministry. 

We hope you will enjoy sharing these beautiful Bible coloring pages, along with their Bible Stories about The Life of Jesus, at home, at church and in your community.

Find these same Bible Coloring Pages in English or Urdu.

Kurasa za Hadithi za Biblia na kuchorea - Kiswahili

Kurasa za hadithi za Biblia na kuchorea kwa lugha ya Kiswahili! Imejumuisha Hadithi za Biblia! Kurasa za kuchorea za mafundisho ya Biblia kwa watoto wadogo unazoweza kupakua bila malipo! Pakua na uchapishe Kurasa hizi za Hadithi za Biblia na kuchorea kwa ajili ya huduma yako. Ukipenda, pakua na uchapishe Kitabu kizima cha Hadithi za Biblia na kuchorea kwa ajili ya usambazaji! 

Hadithi hizi 22 za Biblia kutoka kwa Maisha ya Yesu zinapatikana ili uweze kupakua na kuzichapisha bila malipo ili uzitumie katika huduma yako. Zitumie kibinafsi kama mazoezi ya Biblia katika darasa lako, au zote pamoja kama kitabu cha kuchorea ili kushiriki na wengine!

Kila ukurasa wa kuchorea una Hadithi yake ya Biblia, ambayo tayari imeandaliwa ili uweze kufundisha!

Unaweza kuchapisha kurasa zote za kuchorea, ziweke pamoja, na kuzitumia jinsi itakavyo kufaa katika huduma yako.

Tunatumai utafurahia kushiriki kurasa hizi nzuri za kuchorea, pamoja na Hadithi zake za Biblia kuhusu Maisha ya Yesu, nyumbani, kanisani na katika jumuiya yako.

Pata Kurasa hizi hizi za Kuchorea za hadithi za Biblia katika lugha ya Kiingereza au Kiurdu.


Pakua Kurasa za Kuchorea hadithi za Biblia Bila Malipo!

Kitabu cha Hadithi za Biblia na kuchorea - Maisha ya Yesu

Pakua hadithi na kurasa za kuchorea kibinafsi!

Download Free Bible Coloring Pages Kiswahili!

Bible Story Coloring Book - The Life of Jesus

Download the stories and coloring pages individually!

Pakua Kitabu Kizima cha Kuchorea!

Kitabu cha Hadithi za Biblia na Kuchorea - Maisha Yesu

Wakati kitabu chote cha kuchorea kinapochapishwa na kurasa kuwekwa pamoja, mwalimu anaweza kuona hadithi upande mmoja wa kitabu, wakati wanafunzi wanaona ukurasa wa kuchorea upande mwingine, ikiwa kitabu kimekunjwa.

Download the Whole Coloring Book!

Bible Story Coloring Book - The Life of Jesus

Ideally, when the whole coloring book is printed up and bound, the teacher should be able to see the story on one side of the book, while the students see the coloring page on the other side, if the book is folded back on itself. You will love Bible Coloring Pages Kiswahili.

Jinsi ya Kutumia Masomo haya

Utagundua kwamba masomo yamewekwa kwa kila kurasa za kuchorea ili iwe rahisi kusoma na kufuata unapofundisha.

Pamoja na kauli zinazosimulia hadithi, utapata muhtasari wa mojawapo ya mistari ya Biblia kutoka kwenye hadithi.

Pia utagundua kwamba kwa kila hadithi, kuna picha na maagizo ya jinsi ya kufanya ishara ya mkono kwa neno moja kati ya maneno yaliyo katika mstari wa Biblia. Hii inawapa fursa wanafunzi kuwa na majadiliano yenye mchezo aidha baada ya hadithi kusomwa au wakati unasimulia hadithi.

Kama mwandishi, Kae, anavyosema "Watoto wachanga na wazee hufurahia sana kutumia mikono yao kutengeneza maneno, na kujifunza ishara hizi huwasaidia kukumbuka mstari na hadithi ambayo mstari huo umetolewa."

How to Use these Lessons

You will notice that the lessons are set up for each of the coloring pages so that they are easy to read and to follow as you are teaching.

Along with the statements that tell the story, you will find a summary of one of the Bible verses from the story. 

You will also see that for each story, there is a picture and instructions for how to make the hand sign for one of the words in the Bible verse. This allows for some playful interaction with the students either after the story is read or while you are telling the story.

As the author, Kae, puts it "Children young and old greatly enjoy using their hands to make words, and learning these signs helps them to remember the verse and the story from which the verse is taken."

Ruhusa, Ruhusa...

Una ruhusa rasmi ya kunakili na kuchapisha kurasa zozote au zote zilizo na hakimiliki za kitabu hiki cha kuchorea kwa ajili ya usambazaji, mradi tu ni kwa matumizi yasiyo ya kibiashara. Hii ina maana kwamba huwezi kuuza kurasa zozote, au kitabu cha kuchorea, lakini unaweza kuwapa watu bila malipo!

Ikiwa kanisa lako linataka kuchapisha nakala 100 (au 1,000) ili kugawa kwenye tukio au huduma, unakaribishwa kufanya hivyo. Tafadhali elewa kuwa huwezi kutoza watu kwa kupokea vitabu vya kuchorea au kurasa.

HUWEZI kuchapisha kurasa hizi zilizo na hakimiliki katika mitandao ya kijamii, kama vile Pinterest, Facebook, n.k. Huna ruhusa ya kufanya hivyo.

Badala yake, UNAWEZA kuchapisha KIUNGO kwa tovuti hii, au kwa ukurasa huu wa tovuti, kutoka kwa huduma yako au akaunti za kibinafsi wakati wowote.

Kwa habari zaidi, tafadhali tazama ukurasa wetu wa Sera ya Matumizi. Asante!!

Permission, Permission...

You officially have permission to copy and print any and all of the copyrighted pages of this coloring book for distribution, as long as it is for non-commercial use. This means that you can't sell any of the pages, or the coloring book, but you may give them away! 

If your church wants to print up 100 of them (or 1,000 of them) to give away at an event or a ministry outreach, you are welcome to do so. Please understand though that you may not charge the people for receiving the coloring books or pages.

You MAY NOT post any of these copyrighted pages to any social media Internet platforms, such as Pinterest, Facebook, etc.  You do not have permission to do so.

Instead, you MAY post a LINK to this website, or to this particular website page, from your ministry or personal accounts at any time.

For more information, please see our Use Policy page. Thanks!!

We hope you will enjoy using Bible Coloring Pages Kiswahili.

Look up the Bible verses in Kiswahili at Bible Gateway!

Lookup a word or passage in the Bible
Include this form on your page

Dokezo la Kibinafsi...

Hapana, sio zangu. Siwezi kuchora hata kidogo, ndiyo maana ninathamini sana talanta ya kisanii kwa watu wengine! 

Lori Parziale amefanya michoro hii ya kupendeza ipatikane kwetu sote kutokana na upendo wake kwa Bwana, Yesu Kristo. Mama yake, Kae, ni mtumishi mwenye furaha na mnyenyekevu wa Bwana na Mwokozi. Mafunzo yake kama Kiongozi wa Watoto katika BSF (Ushirika wa Mafunzo ya Biblia) yalitoa mwongozo katika kuunda Mtaala wa Hatua Sita wa Hadithi ya Biblia kwa ajili ya watoto wadogo katika kanisa lake la mtaa. Hadithi za kitabu cha kuchorea zilichaguliwa kutoka kwenye mtaala huo. Kwa upendo na msaada wa familia yake iliyojitolea, amekuwa akichapisha vitabu hivi vya kuchorea na kuwapa watoto kwa muda mrefu sana.

Kae aliuliza ikiwa tunaweza kumsaidia katika maono yake ya kusambaza Vitabu hivi vya Hadithi za Biblia na kuchorea kwa walimu na wanafunzi ulimwenguni kote. Tulifurahi kufanya hivyo na sasa zinapatikana kwa ajili ya huduma yako hapa katika Sunday School Centre!

Nina furaha kuu.

Bado ninastaajabishwa na yote ambayo Mungu atafanya tunapomtolea kile tulicho nacho. Ninahisi kama yule mtoto aliyekuwa na samaki na mikate nikimkabidhi Yesu mfuko wangu wa chakula cha mchana na kutazama anapokibariki, kukimega, na kulisha umati.

Ni Mungu mkuu tunayemtumikia!

Mungu akubariki,


On a Personal Note...

No, they're not mine. I can't draw at all, that's why I appreciate artistic talent so much in other people! 

Lori Parziale has made these lovely drawings available to all of us out of her love for the Lord, Jesus Christ. Her mother, Kae, is a glad and humble servant of her Lord and Savior. Her training as a Children's Leader in BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) provided guidance in creating a Six Step Bible Story Curriculum for young children at her local church. Stories for the coloring book were selected from that curriculum. With the love and help of her devoted family, she has been printing up these coloring books and handing them out to children for a very long time.

Kae asked if we might be able to help with her vision of getting these Bible Story Coloring Books out to teachers and students worldwide. We were thrilled to do so and now they are available to you for your ministry right here at Sunday School Center!

I couldn't be happier.

I still stand in awe of all that God will do when we offer what we have to Him. I feel like that kid with the fish and the loaves handing Jesus my sack lunch and watching as He blesses it, breaks it, and feeds the multitudes.

What a mighty God we serve!

God bless you,


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Little Guys' Lessons - Kiswahili

Masomo ya Biblia - Kiswahili