Sunday School Lessons
for Special Holidays

Holiday Sunday School Lessons at Sunday School Center

Free Sunday School Lessons for Christmas, Easter, Mother's Day and more...

Even if you already have a great Sunday School curriculum that you use each week, occasionally you may find yourself needing an additional lesson plan for a special holiday.

For example, how about on Mother's Day or Easter? I know we could ALL use a few extra lessons around then!

Holiday Lessons...

Just click on these links and you will be "teleported" to our various pages for these Special Holidays! There you will find tried and true Sunday School Lessons, filled with fun activities, such as skits, games, and crafts!











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Ages for these Sunday School Lessons...

While choosing your lessons, please take into account these suggestions for ages of children in your classroom!

  • Preschool (ages 4-7) 
  • Children (ages 7-11)
  • Youth (ages 12-18)

Find MORE Sunday School Lessons...

Preschool Age Children (Ages 4-7)
Find a year's worth of lessons for young children! Sets of lessons for Christmas and Easter as well as one on the "Life of Jesus," and other important topics like "God Loves Me!" You can't miss with these lessons!

Elementary Age Children (Ages 7-11) 
Sunday School lessons for children who are beginning to read their Bibles. Start with the series on Bible Literacy, that explains important things like "The Bible is God's Word" and "We Can Trust God!" More lessons to come!

Youth or Teenagers (Ages 12-18)
Find three wonderful sets of lessons on God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit! Your Youth Group will love the quick question and answer format of these 36 lessons: "What I Need; What God Has for Me!"

Using these Lessons...

You are invited to use any of these free holiday lessons in your own ministry. Please do not post the lessons to any public website, as they might become altered, and I would prefer that the lessons remain Bible-based and Christ-honoring. Thank you!

If you have any questions, please visit our Use Policy page.  It has all the details.  

Remember that you can also look up answers on our FAQ page and if that doesn't help, you can always write to us through our Contact Us page.

On a Personal Note...

Thank you for visiting this website. By the grace of God these little lessons have been going out to teachers, just like you, all over the world since 2009. I give glory to God for all of this, because He is the one who has done it.

We pray for you often. My heartfelt prayer for you never changes...

I pray that God will bless you and your ministry; that He will imbue you with the Holy Spirit so that you may present the Gospel of the Lord, Jesus Christ, boldly and bravely; that through your testimony many will come to saving faith in Jesus Christ; and that in all things the name of the LORD will be glorified.  Amen.

God bless you,


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