Sunday School Lessons
Need Christmas Sunday School Lessons? Find FREE Christmas lessons for Children (Preschool-Youth) and a Narrated Nativity! Merry Christmas!
Preschool and elementary children will love these time-tested and Bible-based Christmas Sunday School Lessons! Each one has fun activities such as crafts, skits and games to go along with the Christmas Lesson. Youth will dig into the Bible to learn more about the birth of Jesus Christ!
For a Narrated Nativity try Simply Christmas, and experience the whole Christmas Story in class.
God bless you as you teach your students about
the TRUE meaning of Christmas: The birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!
Christmas Lessons for Children 4-7
Christmas Lessons for Children 7-11
Christmas Lessons for Children 12-18
Christmas Lessons - Children 4-7 years
See all of our Lessons for Preschool Children HERE!
Download these Lessons Individually...
- Lesson 1 - What is Christmas to You?
Children will learn why we celebrate Christmas: Because Jesus, the Son of God, was born! Use a Birthday Theme for snacks and activities.
- Lesson 2 - The Promise of a Savior King
The angel Gabriel visited Mary and then
Joseph to tell them that the Son of God would be born and that they were
to name him Jesus! God was keeping His promise to send the Savior! Enjoy the lovely Angel Wings craft!
- Lesson 3 - No Room in the Inn!
The children will follow Mary and Joseph's journey from Nazareth to
Bethlehem. They will learn how baby Jesus was born in a stable and
placed in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn. Play
a great game that gets everyone in on the act!
- Lesson 4 - Of Shepherds and Angels
If you were God, how would you announce the birth of your One and
Only Son? With ANGELS, of course! Learn about the best birth
announcement ever... that Jesus, the Son of God, was born! Act out the story of the angels visiting the shepherds using the narrated script provided.
- Lesson 5 - Wise Men from Afar
Learn how the wise men came in search of the "King of the Jews" and
found him by following his star to Bethlehem. Find out that one reason
we give Christmas gifts today is because we remember that they brought
Jesus gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Make a Sparkling Star craft and/or act out the story of the visit of the Magi using the narrated script provided.
- Lesson 6 - The Flight to Egypt
The BEST lesson ever! Children will re-enact the story of the Flight to Egypt, right down to the TENT!
Drape a sheet across a table, and have bread and water inside the
"tent" while you "hide" from the Roman soldiers. Eventually you will
travel all the way across the room (to Egypt) where the baby Jesus will
be safe for a while! Whew!
- A Guide for Using these Lessons
A few helpful suggestions for using these Christmas lesson plans.

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Act Out the Christmas Story in Class...
- Narrated Nativity - Simply Christmas
Preschool children will enjoy acting out this fully narrated Christmas skit over and over again in their classroom. Provide some simple costumes (ideas are included) and they will love trying out all the different parts in the story.
Check out this wonderful video created by Epikos Church in Milwaukee, based on the narrated nativity, "Simply Christmas".
(NOTE: This is my favorite way of teaching Little Guys the
Christmas Story! Oh, and by the way... Hang on to your costumes... I
guarantee you will need them again next year!)
Christmas Lessons - Kids 7-11 years
Christmas Sunday School Lessons for Ages 7-11
Download All 6 Lessons!
- Jesus: Son of God and Son of Man
- Visits from an Angel
- A Journey to Bethlehem
- Angels Announce that Jesus is Born!
- Baby Jesus Presented at the Temple
- The Visit of the Wise Men
See all of our Lessons for Elementary Ages HERE.
Download the Lessons Individually...
- Lesson 1 - Jesus: Son of God/ Son of Man
Learn about how Jesus is both the Son of God and the Son of Man! Look up the verses that promise the Messiah would be born. Find the New Testament fulfillment of those prophecies in Jesus! - Lesson 2 - Visits from an Angel
Before Jesus was born, an angel visited both Mary and Joseph! Learn what the angel told them and find out why those things were important! Do a crossword puzzle with the words you learned in class today! Immanuel - God with us! - Lesson 3 - A Journey to Bethlehem
The Messiah could only be born in the hometown of His ancestor, King David! Play a game or do activities to Help Mary and Joseph get from Nazareth all the way to Bethlehem, where the baby Jesus would be born! - Lesson 4 - Angels Announce that Jesus is Born!
Find out how the Angels visited the Shepherds and announced the birth of Jesus, the Messiah! Sing Christmas songs, act out the story, and make a fuzzy sheep! The perfect lesson for Christmas! - Lesson 5 - Baby Jesus Presented at the Temple
After Baby Jesus was born, Mary and Joseph took Him to the Temple in Jerusalem. There Simeon and Anna recognized Him as the Messiah! Make a banner welcoming the birth of the Christ Child and do a Word Search with the vocabulary words from the lesson. - Lesson 6 - The Visit of the Wise Men
At just the right moment the Wise Men appeared, following a star, looking for the one who is born King of the Jews. Sing songs, figure out how many Wise Men there were... if you can... and draw pictures of the Gifts they brought to the Christ Child! You can even make a Christmas Card!
“HO-HO” Spoiler Alert...
You don’t have to be the “hatchet man” about the “Ho-Ho” part of
Christmas, but if someone in your class asks about it, you can always
“There is the real part of Christmas, and the pretend part of Christmas. (Wink at the older children here!)
The pretend part may go away one day, but the real part never will.
The real part of Christmas is that Jesus was born, and no one can ever
take that part away!”
I have given this answer many times and it works! (Let their parents talk to them later…)
Christmas Lessons - Youth 12-18 years
Visit the Youth Lessons page for 3 Christmas Sunday School lessons about Jesus' Birth. Use them to lead discussions about the Christmas Story with teens. They'll love it!
Here are the direct links to the Christmas Sunday School lessons. Go to the Youth Lessons page for more free Bible lessons like these to use with your Youth Group.
Christmas Sunday School Lessons in French
Ici vous trouverez les mêmes leçons pour les jeunes enfants en français. S'il vous plaît, utilisez-les dans votre classe ce Noël.
Je voudrais remercier Caroline Chénard, qui a traduit ces leçons pour sa classe d'école du dimanche et les a ensuite partagées avec nous.
(I would like to thank Caroline Chénard, who translated these Christmas Sunday School lessons for her class and then shared them with us!)
Christmas Sunday School Lessons in Urdu
For Christmas Sunday School Lessons in Urdu, please Click Here!
On a Personal Note...
I would like to wish you a very blessed and happy Christmas!
This is a very important and special time of year; not only
because we get to teach others about the birth of our Lord and Savior,
Jesus Christ, but because we get to reflect upon it ourselves.
Take time this season, among all your busy activities, to rest a
little in the Lord and to glory in what He has done for us! Think about
what His Advent meant, not only to the rest of the world, but to you in
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son..." It all started that night long ago in Bethlehem. He came here to the earth to be with us; Emmanuel - God with us. He came for you... and for me.
God bless you this Christmas and always!
With love in Christ,
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