See a review of the Holy Land Adventures Group 2014 VBS theme, Wilderness Escape.
If you have a flair for the dramatic, and enjoy something fun and different, Group's 2014 Holy Land Adventures VBS Theme, Wilderness Escape, may be just what you need for VBS this year.
This VBS Theme is set up a little differently than other programs, but it has a lot of interesting features, which make it really fun and easy to do.
Wilderness Escape is a 5 day VBS program that "transports" kids back in time to see what life was like in the days of Moses. As they hear the Exodus stories about the Israelites in the Wilderness, the kids will learn that God Guides and Provides and that they can Trust God!
An Israelite Camp, complete with volunteers dressed up as folks from ancient times, is one of the amazing features of Wilderness Escape. Every day the children will visit the camp and be given "money" to use at the 10 tents (which are set up for the whole week.) There they will learn different skills or crafts; such as butter-making, weaving, songs, sand art, sandal-making, and baking.
Another fun thing is that each day the main lesson is presented by Moses himself. (Well, actually by one of you... dressed up like Moses!) And all of the lessons have some "hands-on" aspect for the kids. Two of my favorites are when they walk through the Red Sea, and when they collect Manna and Quail (a.k.a. Marshmallow Peeps) to eat. (What fun!) There is even a whiny Israelite whom the kids get to help convince that God is in charge and everything will be okay.
Wilderness Escape involves everyone from Preschoolers to Adults, meaning whole families can participate. During the week each participant becomes part of a tribe, which is named after one of the 12 Tribes of Israel.
It also has a good flow pattern to it. After a rousing time of Worship and Praise during the Opening Celebration, half of the tribes visit the Israelite Camp, while the other tribes either go to hear the Story or to Games.
One of the really great parts is that you can do this VBS Theme with just a few trained persons; these include a Celebration (or Worship) leader, a Fun and Games leader, and Moses (the Bible Story leader.) Other volunteers lead the various tent activities and head up the tribes.
This Group 2014 VBS is offering a new mission effort through their Operation Kid to Kid, helping to provide clean water for children in other countries, such as India. This year's project has a fun visual clue, in that Group offers a large (inflatable) glass into which you can place blue balloons, of different hue, when new donations are made towards your set goal.
Wilderness Escape is an especially inviting option if you have a medium to small-sized church with lots of families that would like to do VBS together, or if you have a growing church that wants to reach out to neighborhood families!
Find and compare prices for the "Wilderness Escape Ultimate VBS Starter Kit" at places like:,, and others.
Wilderness Escape - the Holy Land Adventures Group 2014 VBS Theme
VBS MOTTO: Where God Guides and Provides
VBS SCRIPTURE: various verses
MSRP: $139.99 – ultimate Starter Kit
PROGRAM LENGTH: Traditional 5 day program
AGE RANGE: This program is for Preschool - Grade 6, but parents and older children and teens are able to attend as well, participating with the younger children
MISSIONS PROJECT: Operation Kid-to-Kid, providing clean water for school children in India.
SOCIAL MEDIA PAGES: Pinterest and Facebook
NOTES: Kids group together in multi-age groups of up to 5 students.
Visit the Holy Land Adventures Group 2014 VBS official website page: WILDERNESS ESCAPE
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