Pastor Lee Martin
"I Believe in Christmas"

Pastor Lee Martin wrote the song "I Believe in Christmas" to accompany the Christmas Skit "A Christmas to Believe In." He has made this original song available to Sunday School Center visitors for free.

Pastor Lee is now serving on staff at the Atlantic Christian School and attends Sojourn Community Church, both of which are in in Egg Harbor Township in New Jersey. Among his many duties, he helps coordinate Chapel programs at the school and is a Worship Leader at the church. In addition to all of these activities, he is also a singer/songwriter. And, aren't we glad?!

The Song by Lee Martin

As a visitor to Sunday School Center, Pastor Lee Martin was using the Christmas Skit "A Christmas to Believe In."  He wrote a song to accompany the skit and he has provided it for us to pass along to you free of charge!

A Christmas to Believe In! - A Christmas Skit for Youth!

"I Believe In Christmas" - Musical Score

"I Believe In Christmas" - YouTube video

"I Believe in Christmas" - Vocal and Instrumental

"I Believe in Christmas" - Instrumental Only

Visit these links to see the original skit, "A Christmas to Believe In," to download the musical score, to see the YouTube video of the song, and to hear and download the musical accompaniment of the song, "I Believe in Christmas."

Not sure where to place the song in the performance? Some groups have used it as their finale in the show.

How to Download these Songs:  Choose the song you wish to download. Follow the link to that webpage. Then RIGHT click on the webpage.  A dialogue box will appear.  Select "Save As..."  Save the song to a location on your computer where you can find it again easily.

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More about Pastor Martin...

You can find more information for Pastor Martin on the following webpages:

On a personal note...

I'd like to thank Pastor Martin for having created this song and for allowing me to share it with you for free, here at Sunday School Center. I have heard from many people who have used the song in their own productions of "A Christmas to Believe In."

And...It has been a big hit!

If you are planning to use the song "I Believe in Christmas," in your Christmas Pageant this year, we would love to hear how it goes! You can write to us here at Sunday School Center by using our Contact Us page. You may also write Pastor Martin to let him know that you enjoyed the song, by using the links listed above.

God bless you as you prepare for your Christmas presentation!

With love in Christ,

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