Mothers Day
Sunday School Lessons

Mother's Day Lessons

In 2025, Mother's Day is on Sunday, May 11th. 

What's Mother's Day without a handmade card? Whether you are a preschooler or a teenager, nothing touches Mama's heart like nice bit of artwork on a Mother's Day card!

Children will learn about why mothers deserve our love and respect and find out what the Bible has to say about honoring your father and your mother!

Youth will hear about "The Boy, Jesus, in the Temple" and learn that sometimes even our most innocent and well-meaning actions can drive our parents crazy!

Everyone will make a homemade Mother's Day Card craft! (...Of course!)

Mother's Day Lessons for Children

Preschool-1st Grade

Elementary Age

Mother's Day Lesson for Youth

Mothers Day Card Craft

  • Click the photo below for instructions on how to make the Mothers Day Card Craft
Mothers Day Card craft

Mothers Day Lessons in Spanish!

Find these same Mother's Day Lessons in Spanish! Thanks to Heidi Vazquez for her diligent work in translating these lessons and gifting them back to us so that others may use them! God bless you, Heidi!

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Have a New Mom in Your Life?

baby gift calendar

Have a new or expectant mom in your life? Why not give her a gift that presents God's Word to her on a daily basis?

The Bible Tells Me So is a great gift for moms and dads of Newborns. 

This lovely calendar starts on the baby's birthday and continues through the first year, offering God's wisdom on parenting through Bible verses each day.

A wonderful gift for Baby Showers!  

On a Personal Note...

I am a Mom four times over.  And I wouldn't trade it for anything.  The truth is that, although some of the years have been very challenging, being a mom has been the most rewarding experience of my life.

My own children will tell you that having me as a mom is not always a bed of roses. On the other hand, they will also tell you that our family saying is: "Every day is Mother's Day, at the Chatwell House."

Almost always, I am treated with kindness and respect by my offspring. And I think that now, as adults, they can look back and see that over time my instruction to them has been more often right than wrong.

God is responsible for this.  If it was not for Him and His love for me, I would never have known Him.  If I had not known Him, I would not have known His love; nor would I have been able to share it with my children.

It is His love that has made the difference.  It is His love that allowed me to become a mom.  It is His love that has helped me stay sane during the parenting years.  And it is His love that has guided me (almost daily) through the task and the privilege of raising children.

I'd like to say that when your children are grown, you can stop being a parent... but, as you well know, that just isn't true. In some ways, our children seem to need us as much now as they did when they were little. Only now, their needs are different.

My husband, Rick, (God bless him) loves me lots. His strength and stability have been my constant support through these past 40 years; as we have traveled the road of parenthood together.

We often laugh about parenting; glancing at each other and saying, "I wouldn't do this with anyone else!"  

How I love him so!

I hope that you find God's love and provision in your life as you parent your children.  God bless you!  

And, to all of you moms out there... a very Happy Mother's Day!

With love in Christ,

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