Regular Baptist Press 2014 VBS 

See a review of the Regular Baptist Press 2014 VBS theme, Arrow Island

Our Review:

The Regular Baptist Press VBS theme for 2014 is called "Arrow Island."

This is a wonderful option for churches that are hoping to use their VBS as an evangelical outreach tool.  Each day the Gospel message is woven into the various Bible lessons.  And there are lots of printed materials to help with presenting the Gospel and leading children to accept Christ as Savior.

Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) has endorsed this Regular Baptist Press 2014 VBS theme, saying "We continue to be encouraged by the strong biblical content and Gospel presentations of Regular Baptist Press material." 

In this VBS theme, kids will learn how to choose God's way in every area of their lives; all while "exploring" different parts of a tropical island. They will learn the importance of choosing obedience, godly friends, kindness, courage, and active faith.

Arrow Island contains its fair share of fun too!

The bird puppet "Feathers" (the last of the "Booki Booki Birds") can be on hand each day to help teach the children the truth of the lesson.  The songs are all original, with catchy tunes and meaningful lyrics. The activities and crafts look fun and easy to do. And... of course... there are lots of great ideas for snacks and games!

The Mission Project "Operation Bangladesh" is impressive and well-presented.  Donations made to this project will go to the Hebron Christian School; a school for tribal children who must move away from home and live at the school in order to attend classes past the 5th grade.  

What I liked about this particular Mission Project is that its goals seem so focused and achievable.  This school needs practical things like: a new well, a new tin roof, beds for the children, and updated electrical service. By choosing one particular school, determining its needs, and describing them so clearly, Regular Baptist Press offers a project that children and their families can easily envision and more readily support.

Small to medium sized churches should find Arrow Island fun and easy to do.  In addition, it has strong biblical content and should be a very effective tool for evangelistic outreach!

Well done, Regular Baptist Press!  

Find and compare prices for the "Arrow Island VBS Intro Kit (NKJV)" at places like:,, and others.

You can also find the "Arrow Island (KJV) Intro Kit" at these retailers.

About Themselves:

“Today’s world is full of choices! Too often Biblical principles are separated from the choices we make. This VBS will equip your students to choose God’s way in every detail of their lives.”

VBS MOTTO: Choosing God’s Way

VBS SCRIPTURE: Psalm 119:105 – “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.”  (KJV)

MSRP: $89.99 – Starter Kit


AGE RANGE: 2s&3s through Middle school, with additional Youth and Adult books available


NOTES: The salvation message is presented in every lesson. Old Testament stories are used to show how people in the Bible (like Elijah, Jonathan, David, and Nehemiah) faced difficult decisions and chose to do things God’s way.

Daily Lessons:

  • Day 1:  Love God Most of All
    Focus: God wants people to obey Him out of love.
    Goal: Each student will develop an action plan that helps them obey God.
    Passage: Adam and Eve (Genesis 3)
    Memory Verse: John 14:14
  • Day 2: Choose Good Friends
    Focus: God wants us to choose good friends who will help us live for Him
    Goal: Each student will determine to be a good and faithful friend.
    Passage: Jonathan (1 Samuel 16:14--18:16; 20; 23:15-18)
    Memory Verse: John 15:12
  • Day 3: Be Kind and Forgiving
    Focus: God wants us to be kind and forgiving even when people are not kind to us.
    Goal: Each student will plan to do a thoughtful deed for someone who has been unkind.
    Passage: David Spares Saul (1 Samuel 24; 26)
    Memory Verse: Ephesians 4:32
  • Day 4: Stand for God
    Focus: God wants us to be true to Him regardless of what other people do
    Goal: Each student will develop an action plan for standing for God even against peer pressure.
    Passage: Elijah on Carmel (1 Kings 18)
    Memory Verse: Deuteronomy 31:6
  • Day 5: Take Action
    Focus: God wants us to serve Him with our whole heart
    Goal: Each student will think of a worthwhile task, pray about it, and work diligently until the task is done.
    Passage: Nehemiah (Nehemiah 1--4; 6:15; 8:1-10)
    Memory Verse: Colossians 3:23


Visit the Regular Baptist Press 2014 VBS official website: ARROW ISLAND

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