Find recommended resources for Sunday School, available online for you to use. You will love these valuable Ideas for Sunday School!
Even if you haven't found everything you were looking for at Sunday School Center, here are some other websites for you to visit to see if they have what you need.
Although we can't be responsible for everything on their websites, we have taken a good look at them, and have found them to offer ideas and information that might be helpful to you in Sunday School.
Ministry to Children
An excellent website which provides free Sunday School materials, including lessons and teacher ideas for preschool and elementary age children. A great place to look for materials for these age groups!
A wonderful website created by Charles Kirkpatrick and his team with excellent Bible-based curriculum for elementary ages (K-5). A wide range of lessons from both the Old and New Testaments with accompanying activities, such as word games and coloring pages. All of the lessons are also available in Spanish. Charles also publishes a helpful blog.
ShareFaith Kids
This remarkable website has Sunday School lessons made just for elementary students, complete with narrated videos, PowerPoint materials, worksheets and more! You may download a certain number of lessons for free, then there is a fee to download more. Certainly worth a look if you are looking for quality lessons or supplemental materials for your classroom.
Skit Guys is a website all about skits that you can use with your church
group. The skits are excellent and
are available for purchase at very reasonable prices. The skits written and acted out by the Skit
Guys are thoughtful and compelling, and they provide wonderful insight into the
Word of God.
Bible Gateway
A very helpful website
dedicated to providing free online access
to many different translations of the Bible. Find translations of the Bible in English, as well as in many other languages. This site can be a wonderful help if you are writing lessons and need to quote different Bible
verses accurately. Copy and paste the verses directly into your
lessons, reducing the chance of typing errors!
Bible Hub
Another great website for looking at free Bible translations. An in-depth website, providing a large number of online resources for Bible study, including a wide range of commentaries, an interlinear Bible (with the original language above the English translation), and Greek and Hebrew Lexicons. It is great for doing deep studies of particular passages or words. Whether you are preparing a lesson and want to get a deeper understanding, this is an excellent free tool for Bible knowledge.
Bible Images
great website where you can download free sets of Bible story images in
PowerPoint, PDF, Keynote or JPEG formats.
Yes, it is absolutely free! They
provide fabulous images (pictures) along with Bible references for each
one. It is up to the teacher to supply
the message!
Betty Luken's Flannelgraphs
Useful in Sunday School settings, missions work, or even the home setting, flannelgraphs help explain the Bible Stories felt boards with movable characters and settings to make the Bible Stories come alive. Visit this website's store for more information. These are a great visual aid!
Bible Games Central
These folks have lots of FREE downloadable games for Sunday School! They have games for kids, youth and adults! All of their games are indexed and searchable by Topic or Bible Reference. A lovely site that should be helpful for anyone who needs a game for an upcoming lesson!
Look for my reviews of their boxed games on my Bible Games page! These are nice, well-made games that are very durable and might be a good investment for your Sunday School classroom or home.
The Bible Project
This website has dozens of short videos about stories and topics in the Bible! They are very well done and free to download and use in your ministry. You can download them or watch them online with your students in your classroom. Marvelously animated and very well written and narrated, these videos could be a game-changer for your students!
Youth Ministry and Evangelism
Peter Walker is one of my favorite people, from one of my favorite families. His father is a lifelong sidewalk evangelist with Operation Mobilization, and I am pleased to know the whole family!
Peter's encouraging and Christ-centered videos have been incredibly popular online and now his website/outreach program 1Peter1Three is also a non-profit charitable organization (501c3).
A wealth of information can be found on his website, where ALL of his resources can be downloaded for FREE. Printed versions of Peter's books are also available for purchase online at cost.
Pete's book, "Who is Jesus?" has been translated into DOZENS of languages and is a wonderful evangelical tool. Sunday School Center is proud to have helped sponsor its translation into several languages in India.
Teens will LOVE Peter's devotionals, videos and worksheets. Be sure to check them out for the Youth in your life and ministry!
Here are a few direct links to Peter's various resources. Enjoy!
First Steps (New Believers)
Spanish Website - Peter Walker
God Tools by Cru
Cru has a great website with lots of tried and true resources to help you share your faith with others. Download the app!
Sharing Your Faith
Whether sharing the Good News of the Gospel with children or adults, this website by Peter Walker is an excellent resource for you to find ideas and encouragement. Peter has a winning way of speaking to people in simple terms about the miracle of salvation. Watching his videos and reviewing his materials may help you or your students realize how easy and exciting sharing the Gospel with others can be.
Got Questions?
The folks do a great job of providing resources and videos that you can link to, download, and refer to if you have students of family members with questions about Eternal Life, the Gospel, or just about anything else Biblical. Click here to see one of their videos: Got Eternal Life?
Ministry Tools Resource Center
This website is a perfect place for getting more assistance for your ministry, whether it is a worship, teaching, leadership, outreach, prayer, or other ministry. Phyllis Kline, the author and creator, has both compiled and written the materials found on this site.
Rose Publishing
This website is a great place to find materials for personal study or for use in classrooms. It is complete with maps and timelines, atlases, Bible reference books and more, available for purchase in digital download or printed products. You can sign up for their weekly email and receive weekly e-charts and regular updates and promotions from Rose Publishing.
Love Worth Finding
Pastor Adrian Rogers has gone on to heaven, but his sermons and lessons are still here! Saved and maintained through his ministry known as Love Worth Finding, Pastor Rogers' sermons are available at no charge as audio files and sermon outlines or notes. Find excellent, Bible-based sermons and lessons on a multitude of topics relevant to us today. Use them to help you in your ministry and in your daily walk with God. - Christian Radio Ministries Online
One Place is on online streaming resource for Christian Radio Ministries. It's a great site with links to all of these ministries, plus their audio file libraries and other resources. A wonderful resource and I highly recommend it! Find all your favorite radio ministries in One Place!
If you like these resources, you might also like reading about Other Ministries we know and love. These are folks we actually know who are in their own little ministries. We thought that you might like to know about as well. God bless them all!
Sometimes you just can't find what you want. You look and you look, but it's just not there...
It is my hope that you can find what you need at Sunday School Center. But if not, then it is my sincere prayer that you will find it on some other website. Please try out these recommended sites. They offer things we don't have and might not be able to provide.
It's important for us, as the body of Christ, to use our gifts and talents to the best of our abilities, to recognize and appreciate the gifts and talents of others, and to encourage one another in our various ministries.
God bless you!